Ticket #17255: Portfile-whitespace.diff

File Portfile-whitespace.diff, 3.2 KB (added by usx303@…, 16 years ago)

Portfile whitespace fix

  • (a) Portfile vs. (b) Portfile-whitespace

    a b  
     1# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4
    12# $Id: Portfile 30616 2007-11-01 16:47:58Z markd@macports.org $
    3 PortSystem        1.0
     4PortSystem      1.0
    5 name              libpreludedb
    6 version           0.9.13
    7 categories        security
    8 maintainers       nomaintainer
     6name            libpreludedb
     7version         0.9.13
     8categories      security
     9maintainers     nomaintainer
    10 description       Prelude Network Intrusion Detection System framework library for access to Prelude NIDS database
     11description     Prelude Network Intrusion Detection System framework library for access to Prelude NIDS database
    12 long_description  The PreludeDB Library provides an abstraction layer upon the type and \
    13                   format of the database used to store IDMEF alerts.  It allows developers \
    14                   to use the Prelude IDMEF database easily and efficiently without worrying \
    15                   about SQL, and to access the database independently of the type/format \
    16                   of the database.\
    17                   \
    18                   Prelude is an Hybrid IDS framework that relies on the IDMEF (Intrusion \
    19                   Detection Message Exchange Format) IETF standard.  It enables security \
    20                   sensors such as Snort, honeyd, Nessus Vulnerability Scanner, Samhain, \
    21                   over 30 types of system logs, and many others to verify an attack \
    22                   by performing automatic correlation between events.
     13long_description \
     14                The PreludeDB Library provides an abstraction layer upon the type and \
     15                format of the database used to store IDMEF alerts.  It allows developers \
     16                to use the Prelude IDMEF database easily and efficiently without worrying \
     17                about SQL, and to access the database independently of the type/format \
     18                of the database.\
     19                \
     20                Prelude is an Hybrid IDS framework that relies on the IDMEF (Intrusion \
     21                Detection Message Exchange Format) IETF standard.  It enables security \
     22                sensors such as Snort, honeyd, Nessus Vulnerability Scanner, Samhain, \
     23                over 30 types of system logs, and many others to verify an attack \
     24                by performing automatic correlation between events.
    24 homepage          http://www.prelude-ids.org
    25 master_sites      http://www.prelude-ids.org/download/releases/ \
    26                   http://www.prelude-ids.org/download/releases/old/
    27 platforms         darwin
    28 checksums         md5 6db651ba88a90c8c23caeb0f1881b465
    29 build.type        gnu
    30 configure.args    --mandir=${prefix}/share/man \
    31                   --with-html-dir=${prefix}/share/doc
    32 depends_lib       port:libprelude
     26homepage        http://www.prelude-ids.org
     27master_sites    http://www.prelude-ids.org/download/releases/ \
     28                http://www.prelude-ids.org/download/releases/old/
     29platforms       darwin
     30checksums       md5 6db651ba88a90c8c23caeb0f1881b465
     31build.type      gnu
     32configure.args  --mandir=${prefix}/share/man \
     33                --with-html-dir=${prefix}/share/doc
     34depends_lib     port:libprelude