Ticket #1753: Portfile

File Portfile, 803 bytes (added by sleepinghead@…, 21 years ago)


1# $Id$
2PortSystem      1.0
3name            nice
4version         0.9.7
5categories      lang java
6platforms       darwin
7maintainers     sleepinghead@netzero.net
8description     The Nice programming language
9long_description        Nice is a new programming language that extends the \
10                        ideas behind object orientation and incorporates    \
11                        features from functional programming.
12homepage        http://nice.sourceforge.net/
13master_sites    sourceforge
14distfiles       Nice-${version}-source.tar.gz
15checksums       md5 3b58e7c21062f6899510cb2ad6edb015
16worksrcdir      ${name}-${version}.orig
17use_configure   no
18depends_build   bin:javacc:javacc
19pre-build       {
20        reinplace "s|/usr/local|${destroot}${prefix}|" \
21                ${worksrcpath}/Makefile
22        reinplace "s|cp -a|cp -p -R|" ${worksrcpath}/Makefile
23        reinplace "s|/usr/share/java/|${prefix}/share/java/|" \
24                ${worksrcpath}/external/javacc