Ticket #19221: tellico.ports

File tellico.ports, 3.5 KB (added by Damien@…, 16 years ago)

Draft of portfile

1# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4
2# $Id: $
4PortSystem       1.0
6name             tellico
7set milestone    1.3.5
8set release      1
9version          ${milestone}rel.${release}
10revision         1
11categories       ???
12maintainers      nomaintainer
13description      A collection manager for KDE
14long_description \
15Tellico is a KDE application for organizing your collections. It provides default templates for books, bibliographies, videos, music, video games, coins, stamps, trading cards, comic books, and wines.
17Tellico allows you to enter your collection in a catalogue database, saving many different properties like title, author, etc. Two different views of your collection are shown. On the left, your entries are grouped together by any field you like, allowing you to see how many are in each group. On the right, selected fields are shown in column format, allowing you to sort by any field. On the bottom is a customizable HTML view of the current entry. The entry editor is a dialog box where you enter the data. Check out the screenshots.
19Tellico keeps things simple, so no database server is needed. The data is saved in XML format, which makes for easy parsing, portability, and styling. It will run on any platform which KDE supports, most commonly Linux. Tellico is licensed under the GNU General Public License, giving you the freedom to modify and distribute the source code.
21If you download Tellico and like it, do let me know. I'm happy to try to accommodate any suggestions. Also, if you package Tellico for a distribution which isn't available elsewhere, I'd be happy to host it. If you have translation updates, please pass them on as well. I do have to say that Tellico is a hobby for me, and it is released without any guarantees or warranties. It may crash a lot for you, it may not do anything that you find useful.
24    * Supports default collections of books, bibliographic entries, videos, music, video games, comic books, coins, stamps, trading cards, wines, board games, and file catalogs.
25    * Supports user-defined custom collections, as well
26    * Supports any number of user-defined fields, of several different types: text, paragraph, list, checkbox, number, URL, date, images, and combinations
27    * Handles entries with multiple authors, genres, keywords, etc.
28    * Automatically formats titles and names
29    * Supports collection searching and view filtering
30    * Sorts and groups collection by various properties
31    * Allows customizable entry templates through XSLT
32    * Imports MODS, Bibtex, RIS, CSV, PDF metadata, and many other formats
33    * Exports to Bibtex, ONIX, CSV, HTML, PilotDB, and other formats
34    * Includes translations for more than nine languages, other than English
35    * Imports information directly from Amazon.com (US, Japan, Germany, United Kingdom, France, and Canada), IMDb, z39.50 servers, PubMed, SRU servers, CrossRef.org, various other websites, and from external scripts.
36    * Imports CDDB data for cataloging audio CDs
37    * Scans and imports audio file collections, such as mp3 or ogg
40homepage         http://periapsis.org/tellico/
42depends_lib      ???
44use_bzip2        ???
46distname         [strsed ${distname} {g/-//}]
47worksrcdir       ${name}[strsed ${milestone} {g/\./-/}]
49master_sites     http://websvn.kde.org/trunk/playground/office/tellico/
51checksums        md5 ??? \
52                 sha1 ??? \
53                 rmd160 ???
55configure.args   ???
57platforms        darwin