Ticket #23929: patch-portfile-qtiplot.diff

File patch-portfile-qtiplot.diff, 3.0 KB (added by nicos_pavlov@…, 15 years ago)
  • Portfile

    old new  
    44PortSystem  1.0
    66name                qtiplot
    7 version   
    8 revision            1
    98categories          aqua science
    109maintainers         jonas openmaintainer
    2928                    port:libpng \
    3029                    port:zlib
    32 checksums           md5     08e4943cadd5ee39e28e4ce0d61d475a \
    33                     sha1    ad83187af31172794771012072b57a67f9288628 \
    34                     rmd160  cd6cbef46b3474989bede96af04d1cef52dd6f48
     31checksums           md5     2620bf8a520967d2a58d5f290da745de \
     32                    sha1    fe54f737ac857a470f7f00a53a73270d20f203a9 \
     33                    rmd160  af04944a1a6671e3133d0a8caec0f4c430f452ff
    36 patchfiles          patch-qtiplot-qtiplot.pro \
    37                     patch-qtiplot-src-scripting-scripting.pri
     35patchfiles          patch-build.conf.example.diff
    3937use_parallel_build  yes
    4240    # don't step into the manual dir, we don't have all the tools to build it
    4341    reinplace "/manual/d" ${worksrcpath}/qtiplot.pro
    45     # create the configuration, see build.conf.example which comes with the package
    46     set confFD [open ${worksrcpath}/build.conf "w"]
    47     puts $confFD "SYS_INCLUDEPATH = ${prefix}/include"
    48     # snow leopard seems to need zlib explicitly, see #23272
    49     puts $confFD "SYS_LIBS = -L${prefix}/lib -lz"
    50     puts $confFD "MUPARSER_LIBS = -lmuparser"
    51     puts $confFD "GSL_LIBS = -lgsl -lgslcblas"
    52     puts $confFD "BOOST_LIBS = -lboost_date_time-mt -lboost_thread-mt"
    53     # till upstream catches up, we use a local copy of qwt
    54     puts $confFD "QWT_INCLUDEPATH = \$\$QTI_ROOT/3rdparty/qwt/src"
    55     puts $confFD "QWT_LIBS = \$\$QTI_ROOT/3rdparty/qwt/lib/libqwt.a"
    56     puts $confFD "LIBPNG_LIBS = -lpng"
    57     # target specific configuration
    58     puts $confFD "contains( TARGET, qtiplot ) \{"
    59     puts $confFD "SCRIPTING_LANGS += muParser"; # currently you can't build without
     43    # prepare build.conf
     44    move ${worksrcpath}/build.conf.example ${worksrcpath}/build.conf
     45    reinplace "s|/opt/local|${prefix}|g" ${worksrcpath}/build.conf
    6047    if {[variant_isset python25]} {
    61         puts $confFD "SCRIPTING_LANGS += Python"
     48        reinplace "s|#  SCRIPTING_LANGS += Python|  SCRIPTING_LANGS += Python|g" ${worksrcpath}/build.conf     
     49    }
     51    if {[variant_isset xls]} {
     52        reinplace "s|#XLS_LIBS = \$\$QTI_ROOT/3rdparty/libxls/lib/libxlsreader.a\|XLS_LIBS = -lxlsreader|g" ${worksrcpath}/build.conf   
    6253    }
    63     puts $confFD "DEFINES += SCRIPTING_CONSOLE"
    64     puts $confFD "DEFINES += SCRIPTING_DIALOG"
    65     puts $confFD "CONFIG += release"
    66     puts $confFD "\}"
    67     close $confFD   
    6955    # fix a bug in the python init script
    7056    # append the current path *before* import __main__, else __file__ points to math.so after the import if this module
    10995                       port:py25-pyqt4
     98variant xls description "add support for Excel files" {
     99    depends_lib-append port:libxls