Ticket #26074: Portfile.diff

File Portfile.diff, 3.9 KB (added by burkhard@…, 13 years ago)

New Portfile for zim 0.56 (unified diff to zim 0.28)

  • editors/zim/Portfile

    old new  
    1 # $Id: Portfile 82553 2011-08-15 19:22:39Z jmr@macports.org $
     1# $Id$
    33PortSystem          1.0
     4PortGroup           python 1.0
    56name                zim
    6 version             0.28
    7 revision            1
     7version             0.56
     8platforms           darwin
    89categories          editors
    9 maintainers         nomaintainer
    10 description         Desktop-based wiki
     10maintainers         ualberta.ca:burkhard
     11license             GPLv2
     12description         Personal desktop wiki
    1113long_description \
    12    Zim is a WYSIWYG text editor written in Gtk2-Perl. It aims to bring the \
    13    concept of a wiki to your desktop. Every page is saved as a text file \
    14    with wiki markup. Pages can contain links to other pages, and are saved \
    15    automatically. Creating a new page is as easy as linking to a \
    16    non-existing page. This tool is intended to keep track of TODO lists or \
    17    to serve as a personal scratch book. But it will also serve you when \
    18    writing longer and more complicated documents.
    20 platforms           darwin
    22 homepage            http://www.zim-wiki.org
    23 master_sites        ${homepage}/downloads/
    24 distname            Zim-${version}
    26 checksums           md5     fce152562b57d4753edfcdc635a26e42 \
    27                     sha1    c0d1d5ad956ee682f01ecbd89009eb9f0852f34c \
    28                     rmd160  b6ecc7c6f094670754b4219e7506edefd00b2ca1
    30 depends_lib         port:p5.12-gtk2 port:p5.12-module-build port:p5.12-file-mimeinfo \
    31                     port:p5.12-file-basedir port:p5.12-file-desktopentry
    33 configure.pre_args  ""
     14    Zim is a graphical text editor used to maintain a collection of wiki pages. \
     15    Each page can contain links to other pages, simple formatting and images. \
     16    Pages are stored in a folder structure, like in an outliner, and can have \
     17    attachments. Creating a new page is as easy as linking to a nonexistent \
     18    page. All data is stored in plain text files with wiki formatting. Various \
     19    plugins provide additional functionality, like a task list manager, an \
     20    equation editor, a tray icon, and support for version control.
     22homepage            http://zim-wiki.org
     23master_sites        ${homepage}/downloads
     25checksums           sha256  a4708a0e1f63a4b51ace7460d9324dc806b5b0221b51c1c821a24fdf5deaf1da \
     26                    rmd160  d1dc071718e18424d192c6c3267e72467ed605e7
     28use_configure       no
     29build               {}
     31python.link_binaries    no
     32set python.bindir ""
     34variant python27 conflicts python26 description {Configure to use Python version 2.7} {
     35    python.default_version 27
     36    set python.bindir   ${python.prefix}/bin
     37    depends_lib-append  port:py27-gobject \
     38                        port:py27-gtk \
     39                        port:py27-xdg
     40    destroot.destdir-append     --install-data=${prefix} \
     41                                --skip-xdg-cmd
     44variant python26 conflicts python27 description {Configure to use Python version 2.6} {
     45    python.default_version 26
     46    set python.bindir   ${python.prefix}/bin
     47    depends_lib-append  port:py26-gobject \
     48                        port:py26-gtk \
     49                        port:py26-xdg
     50    destroot.destdir-append     --install-data=${prefix} \
     51                                --skip-xdg-cmd
     54if {![variant_isset python26] && ![variant_isset python27]} {
     55    default_variants +python27
     58post-destroot {
     59    xinstall -m 755 ${filespath}/zim ${destroot}${prefix}/bin
     60    reinplace "s|__PREFIX__|${prefix}|g" ${destroot}${prefix}/bin/zim
     61    reinplace "s|__PYTHON_BINDIR__|${python.bindir}|g" ${destroot}${prefix}/bin/zim
     64post-activate {
     65    exec update-desktop-database
     66    exec update-mime-database ${destroot}${prefix}/share/mime 2> /dev/null
    3569universal_variant   no