Ticket #38147: Portfile

File Portfile, 1.4 KB (added by FlorianFranzen@…, 12 years ago)
1# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4
2# $Id$
3PortSystem              1.0
4name                    ndmanager
5version                 1.2.3
6categories              science
7platforms               darwin
8license                 GPL
9maintainers             gmail.com:FlorianFranzen
10description             Simple graphical application to help manage experimental recording parameters and process data
11long_description        Manageable recording parameters are e.g., number of channels and sampling \
12                        rate of the acquisition system. Can process data by filtering, spike \
13                        extraction, PCA, etc. NDManager is part of a larger data analysis framework, \
14                        see Klusters, NeuroScope and FMAToolbox.
15homepage                http://ndmanager.sourceforge.net/
16master_sites            sourceforge \
17                        sourceforge:project/${name}/previous/${name}-${version}/
18distname                ${name}_${version}
19worksrcdir              ${name}
20checksums               rmd160  9bfba2b130e0673987190ac74dc985332493eb52 \
21                        sha256  775bc655712bb09f0c90402a0dcd441fb266f3992ce349312a3c9878b3c8dfd9
22depends_lib             port:kdelibs3 \
23                        port:qt3 \
24                        port:libxml2
25patchfiles              patch_src_Makefile-tmpldir_prefix.diff
26configure.args          --with-qt-dir=${prefix}/lib/qt3 \
27                        --with-qt-includes=${prefix}/lib/qt3/include \
28                        --with-qt-libraries=${prefix}/lib/qt3/lib \
29                        --with-kde3=yes \
30                        --with-extra-libs=${prefix}/lib/kde3 \
31                        --with-extra-includes=${prefix}/lib/kde3/include \
32                        --without-arts