Ticket #40207: py-pyface_Portfile.3.diff

File py-pyface_Portfile.3.diff, 2.2 KB (added by jjstickel (Jonathan Stickel), 11 years ago)
  • Portfile

    old new  
    66PortGroup               python 1.0
    77PortGroup               github 1.0
    9 #PortGroup              wxWidgets 1.0
     9PortGroup               wxWidgets 1.0
    1111github.setup            enthought pyface 4.4.0
     13revision                1
    1314name                    py-pyface
    1415categories-append       devel
    1516license                 BSD
    3132    depends_build-append    port:py${python.version}-setuptools
    3233    depends_lib-append      port:py${python.version}-traits
    34     # # wx-3.0 is not fully compatible with enthought, JJS 1/8/14
    35     # variant wx description {Use wxWidgets backend} {
    36     #     depends_lib-append      port:py${python.version}-wxpython-3.0
    37     # }
     35    variant wxwidgets conflicts wxgtk description {Use wxWidgets-3.0 cocoa backend} {
     36        depends_lib-append      port:py${python.version}-wxpython-3.0
     37        notes-append "Warning: wxpython-3.0 is not fully compatible with pyface, but the wxwidgets variant exists for testing and future use.\n"
     38    }
    39     variant pyqt4 conflicts pyside description "Qt backend using PyQt4" {
     40    variant wxgtk conflicts wxwidgets description {Use wxWidgets-2.8 gtk backend} {
     41        depends_lib-append      port:py${python.version}-wxpython-2.8
     42    }
     44    variant pyqt4 description "Qt backend using PyQt4" {
    4045        # Can use either py*-pyqt4 or py*-pyqt4-devel.
    4146        depends_lib-append      path:share/py${python.version}-sip/PyQt4:py${python.version}-pyqt4
    4247    }
    44     variant pyside conflicts pyqt4 description "Qt backend using PySide" {
     49    variant pyside description "Qt backend using PySide" {
    4550        depends_lib-append      port:py${python.version}-pyside
    4651    }
    48     default_variants-append +pyqt4
     53    if {![variant_isset wxwidgets] && ![variant_isset wxgtk] && ![variant_isset pyside] && ![variant_isset pyqt4]} {
     54        default_variants +pyqt4
     55    }
    50     notes "If wxpython is installed, enthought modules will try to use it\
    51  even if pyqt4 (or pyside) are also installed"
     57    notes-append "If multiple backends installed, the toolkit backend may be set with environment variables ETS_TOOLKIT and QT_API, e.g., ETS_TOOLKIT=qt4, QT_API=pyqt.\n"