1 | R has the variants: |
2 | accelerate: build using the BLAS and Lapack in Apple's Accelerate framework |
3 | * conflicts with atlas builtin_lapack openblas |
4 | atlas: build using the BLAS in the atlas port |
5 | * conflicts with accelerate builtin_lapack openblas |
6 | [+]builtin_lapack: build using reference BLAS and Lapack |
7 | * conflicts with accelerate atlas openblas |
8 | [+]cairo: use cairo and pango |
9 | debug: build with debug symbols |
10 | g95: Build using the g95 Fortran compiler |
11 | * conflicts with gcc10 gcc11 gccdevel |
12 | gcc10: Build using the MacPorts gcc 10 compiler |
13 | * conflicts with g95 g95 gcc11 gccdevel |
14 | [+]gcc11: Build using the MacPorts gcc 11 compiler |
15 | * conflicts with g95 g95 gcc10 gccdevel |
16 | gccdevel: Build using the MacPorts gcc devel compiler |
17 | * conflicts with g95 g95 gcc10 gcc11 |
18 | java: enable Java |
19 | openblas: build using the BLAS and Lapack in the OpenBLAS port |
20 | * conflicts with accelerate atlas builtin_lapack |
21 | [+]openmp: enable parallelism support using OpenMP |
22 | quartz: Enable native macOS graphics support |
23 | * conflicts with x11 |
24 | [+]recommended: install recommended R packages |
25 | tcltk: enable use of tcltk |
26 | tests: include tests of R installation |
27 | [+]x11: Enable X11 support |
28 | * conflicts with quartz |