Ticket #808: Portfile.2

File Portfile.2, 1.8 KB (added by robert@…, 21 years ago)

ATTACHMENT: www/zope-btreefolder2-0.5.0

1# $Id: Portfile,v 1.2 2003/08/26 04:53:07 rshaw Exp $
2PortSystem 1.0
3name            zope-btreefolder2
4version         0.5.0
5categories      www python zope
6maintainers     robert@or.homeip.net
7description     Zope folder that can contain many more objects efficiently
8long_description        When you fill a Zope folder with too many \
9                        objects, both Zope and your browser get \
10                        overwhelmed. Zope has to load and store a large \
11                        folder object, and the browser has to render \
12                        large HTML tables repeatedly. Zope can store a \
13                        lot of objects, but it has trouble storing a lot \
14                        of objects in a single standard Zope folder.  \
15                        BTreeFolder2 solves this problem by storing the \
16                        objects in Zope BTrees, special structures \
17                        designed for the Zope object database. BTrees \
18                        can hold numerous items without loading them all \
19                        into memory at once.
20platforms       darwin
21homepage        http://hathaway.freezope.org/Software/BTreeFolder2/
22distname        BTreeFolder2-${version}
23master_sites    http://hathaway.freezope.org/Software/BTreeFolder2
24checksums       md5 f301851803326d774d438b35aeb2322d
25depends_build   bin:python2.1:python21 \
26                path:${prefix}/www/Zope:zope
27configure       {}
29set python      /usr/bin/env\ python2.1
30set zopehome    ${prefix}/www/Zope
32pre-build {
33        system  "cp ${zopehome}/inst/compilezpy.py ${workpath}"
36build {
37        system  "cd ${workpath} && \
38                ${python} ${workpath}/compilezpy.py"
39        system  "cd ${workpath} && \
40                ${python} -O ${workpath}/compilezpy.py"
43destroot        {
44        set zopebase    ${destroot}${zopehome}
45        set productsdir ${zopebase}/lib/python/Products
46        set zopeuser    zope
48        # Copy Plone products into the Products directory
49        system  "install -d ${productsdir}"
50        system  "cp -R ${workpath}/BTreeFolder2 ${productsdir}"
51        system  "cd ${zopebase} && chown -R zope lib"
52        system  "cd ${zopebase} && chgrp -R www lib"
54# vim: ts=8 sw=8