Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #13079

Oct 31, 2007, 10:53:54 PM (17 years ago)
jmpalacios (Juan Manuel Palacios)


  • Ticket #13079 – Description

    initial v1  
    1 A "webpush" script is needed to keep the contents of our svn's `trunk/www` dir always in sync with our "home" in Mac OS Forge's web server data directory. I can easily write it using tools such as rsync (mimicking the existing `trunk/base/portmgr/jobs/mprsyncup` script), but I need to know two things in order to turn it into a functional script:
     1A "webpush" script is needed to keep the contents of our svn's `trunk/www` dir always in sync with our "home" in Mac OS Forge's web server. I can easily write it using tools such as rsync (mimicking the existing `trunk/base/portmgr/jobs/mprsyncup` script), but I need to know two things in order to turn it into a functional script:
    3  1. The paths from where I'll be pulling and where I should push:
    4    * the `mprsyncup` script uses an svn checkout that goes into the `/var/tmp/macports` path of some Mac OS Forge server to operate; given that we need to host about four services that operate off svn checkouts, maybe we should look into some way of unifying them if possible. If we can't use the same server+path for whatever reason, I need to know where to place the appropriate checkout for "webpush" to operate (akin to mprsyncup's `SVNROOT` variable).
    5    * Once `trunk/www` is checked out, we need to sync it's contents with our home within the web server's DocumentRoot directory. I need to know the appropriate server+path of that "home" to also know what tool to use (rsync, rsync over ssh, tar, whatever).
     3 1. The paths from where I'll be pulling data out of svn and where I should push it:
     4   * the `mprsyncup` script uses an svn checkout that goes into the `/var/tmp/macports` path of some Mac OS Forge server to operate; given that we need to host about four services that operate off svn checkouts, maybe we should look into some way of unifying them if possible. If we can't use the same server+path as `mprsyncup` for whatever reason, I would need to know where to place the appropriate checkout for "webpush" to operate (akin to mprsyncup's `SVNROOT` variable).
     5   * Once `trunk/www` is checked out, we need to sync its contents with our home within the web server's DocumentRoot directory. I need to know the appropriate server+path of that "home" to also know what tool to use (rsync, rsync over ssh, tar, whatever).
    66 2. Refresh interval of the "web home" also needs to be sorted out. Do we update after every commit to `trunk/www` as an svn post-commit hook? Or do we do it at regular intervals off cron/launchd, like every 24 hours? (the latter seems like a bit of a waste to me, as we don't anticipate those many commits to `trunk/www` once content there stabilizes). In either case, uploading the relevant svn hook files / launchd plist file to the svn `trunk/base/portmgr/jobs` directory would be awesome, for organizational reasons.