Opened 15 years ago

Last modified 15 years ago

#22588 closed defect

db46 build gets jikes error — at Initial Version

Reported by: Chris.Barker@… Owned by: macports-tickets@…
Priority: Normal Milestone:
Component: ports Version: 1.8.1
Keywords: Cc:
Port: db46


I"m trying to install subversion, which apparently required db46, which is set to "--enable java", which means it requires jikes.

But I get, while db46 is configuring:

checking if jikes works... configure: error: The Java compiler jikes failed (see config.log, check the CLASSPATH?)

I tried install jikes by itself:

sudo port install jikes

and it seemed to install without problem.

For the moment, I've hacked the db46 portfile and removed the --enable-java line, as I don't use java for anything, but who knows what I'm breaking!

(it does seem a bit much to need a java compiler to have a subversion client, though)

Macports 1.8.1 I'm running OS-X 10.4 on a PPC.

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