Opened 12 years ago

Last modified 12 years ago

#35320 closed defect

is impossible to install the ghc port — at Initial Version

Reported by: fmgolmedo@… Owned by: macports-tickets@…
Priority: Normal Milestone:
Component: ports Version: 2.1.1
Keywords: mountainlion Cc:
Port: perl5.8


I upgraded my Mac OS X to version Mountain Lion. Then I installed "XCode 4.4" and "Command Line Tools". Then I ran the command

sudo port upgrade outdated

and all went well. Finally I wanted to add ghc via macport

sudo port install ghc

and then I found the dialogue suguiente

Warning: Your developer_dir setting in macports.conf points to a non-existing directory. Since this is Known to cause problems, please correct the setting or comment it and let auto-discover macports the correct path. ---> Computing dependencies for ghc ---> To be installed Dependencies: perl5.8 ---> Building perl5.8 Error: perl5.8 port for returned: command execution failed Error: Failed to install perl5.8 Please see the log file for perl5.8 port for details:      Error: The following dependencies Were not installed: perl5.8 To report a bug, follow the instructions in the guide: #

Error: Processing of port ghc failed

I think the reason the problem is that ghc depends on perl5.8 and that this version of perl is no longer available.

Can you fix this problem or tell me a solution?

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