Changes between Version 39 and Version 40 of Ticket #38582, comment 6

Aug 7, 2013, 2:39:34 PM (11 years ago)
cooljeanius (Eric Gallager)


  • Ticket #38582, comment 6

    v39 v40  
    4141|| `AC_TYPE_MODE_T` || `src/darwintracelib1.0/darwintrace.c:963` || `mode_t mode;` || used in wrapper for the `open` function || `/* wrapper for open(2) preventing opening files outside the sandbox */` Since it uses the `mode_t` type in it, this should be checked for ||
    4242|| `AC_TYPE_OFF_T` || `src/pextlib1.0/flock.c:57` || `off_t curpos;` || in an `ifdef`: `#if defined(HAVE_LOCKF) && !defined(HAVE_FLOCK)` || It wouldn't be too much more to ask to add another condition to this `#if`: just a simple `&& defined(HAVE_OFF_T)` would do ||
    43 || `AC_TYPE_PID_T` || `src/darwintracelib1.0/darwintrace.c:134` || `static pid_t __darwintrace_pid = (pid_t) - 1;` || function prototype? || `darwintrace` (and `daemondo`, too, for that matter) uses `pid`s extensively; check to see how they work ||
     43|| `AC_TYPE_PID_T` || `src/darwintracelib1.0/darwintrace.c:134` || `static pid_t __darwintrace_pid = (pid_t) - 1;` || function prototype? Or is it a global variable? || `darwintrace` (and `daemondo`, too, for that matter) uses `pid`s extensively; check to see how they work ||
    4444|| `AC_TYPE_SIZE_T` || `src/cregistry/entry.c:376` || `size_t query_len, query_space;` || variable type || supplements the `MP_CHECK_READLINK_IS_P1003_1A` macro, which defines the variable "`READLINK_IS_NOT_P1003_1A`" to 1 "`if readlink does not conform with POSIX 1003.1a (where third argument is a size_t and return value is a ssize_t)`". Heck, instead of putting this in the main `` file, you could just `AC_REQUIRE` it from your definition for your `MP_CHECK_READLINK_IS_P1003_1A` macro... ||
    4545|| `AC_TYPE_SSIZE_T` || `src/darwintracelib1.0/darwintrace.c:996` || `ssize_t readlink(const char *path, char *buf, size_t bufsiz) {` || variable type (used conditionally) || see note for the `AC_TYPE_SIZE_T` macro above ||