4 | | With atlas, but without the Accelerate framework, I get a different set of missing symbols. |
| 4 | |
| 5 | With atlas, but without the Accelerate framework, I get a different set of missing symbols: |
| 6 | |
| 7 | {{{ |
| 8 | Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64: |
| 9 | "_daxpy_", referenced from: |
| 10 | fullVector<double>::axpy(fullVector<double> const&, double) in fullMatrix.cpp.o |
| 11 | fullMatrix<double>::axpy(fullMatrix<double> const&, double) in fullMatrix.cpp.o |
| 12 | (maybe you meant: _daxpy_chaco_) |
| 13 | "_dcopy_", referenced from: |
| 14 | fullVector<double>::setAll(fullVector<double> const&) in fullMatrix.cpp.o |
| 15 | fullMatrix<double>::setAll(fullMatrix<double> const&) in fullMatrix.cpp.o |
| 16 | (maybe you meant: _dcopy_chaco_) |
| 17 | "_dgeev_", referenced from: |
| 18 | fullMatrix<double>::eig(fullVector<double>&, fullVector<double>&, fullMatrix<double>&, fullMatrix<double>&, bool) in fullMatrix.cpp.o |
| 19 | "_dgemm_", referenced from: |
| 20 | fullMatrix<double>::mult(fullMatrix<double> const&, fullMatrix<double>&) const in fullMatrix.cpp.o |
| 21 | fullMatrix<double>::gemm(fullMatrix<double> const&, fullMatrix<double> const&, double, double, bool, bool) in fullMatrix.cpp.o |
| 22 | fullMatrix<double>::multOnBlock(fullMatrix<double> const&, int, int, int, int, fullVector<double>&) const in fullMatrix.cpp.o |
| 23 | "_dgemv_", referenced from: |
| 24 | fullMatrix<double>::mult(fullVector<double> const&, fullVector<double>&) const in fullMatrix.cpp.o |
| 25 | fullMatrix<double>::multAddy(fullVector<double> const&, fullVector<double>&) const in fullMatrix.cpp.o |
| 26 | fullMatrix<double>::multWithATranspose(fullVector<double> const&, double, double, fullVector<double>&) const in fullMatrix.cpp.o |
| 27 | "_dgesv_", referenced from: |
| 28 | fullMatrix<double>::luSolve(fullVector<double> const&, fullVector<double>&) in fullMatrix.cpp.o |
| 29 | fullMatrix<double>::invertInPlace() in fullMatrix.cpp.o |
| 30 | "_dgesvd_", referenced from: |
| 31 | fullMatrix<double>::svd(fullMatrix<double>&, fullVector<double>&) in fullMatrix.cpp.o |
| 32 | "_dgetrf_", referenced from: |
| 33 | fullMatrix<double>::luFactor(fullVector<int>&) in fullMatrix.cpp.o |
| 34 | fullMatrix<double>::invert(fullMatrix<double>&) const in fullMatrix.cpp.o |
| 35 | fullMatrix<double>::determinant() const in fullMatrix.cpp.o |
| 36 | "_dgetri_", referenced from: |
| 37 | fullMatrix<double>::invert(fullMatrix<double>&) const in fullMatrix.cpp.o |
| 38 | "_dgetrs_", referenced from: |
| 39 | fullMatrix<double>::luSubstitute(fullVector<double> const&, fullVector<int>&, fullVector<double>&) in fullMatrix.cpp.o |
| 40 | "_dscal_", referenced from: |
| 41 | fullMatrix<double>::scale(double) in fullMatrix.cpp.o |
| 42 | "_zcopy_", referenced from: |
| 43 | fullVector<std::__1::complex<double> >::setAll(fullVector<std::__1::complex<double> > const&) in fullMatrix.cpp.o |
| 44 | fullMatrix<std::__1::complex<double> >::setAll(fullMatrix<std::__1::complex<double> > const&) in fullMatrix.cpp.o |
| 45 | "_zgemm_", referenced from: |
| 46 | fullMatrix<std::__1::complex<double> >::mult(fullMatrix<std::__1::complex<double> > const&, fullMatrix<std::__1::complex<double> >&) const in fullMatrix.cpp.o |
| 47 | fullMatrix<std::__1::complex<double> >::gemm(fullMatrix<std::__1::complex<double> > const&, fullMatrix<std::__1::complex<double> > const&, std::__1::complex<double>, std::__1::complex<double>, bool, bool) in fullMatrix.cpp.o |
| 48 | "_zgemv_", referenced from: |
| 49 | fullMatrix<std::__1::complex<double> >::mult(fullVector<std::__1::complex<double> > const&, fullVector<std::__1::complex<double> >&) const in fullMatrix.cpp.o |
| 50 | fullMatrix<std::__1::complex<double> >::multAddy(fullVector<std::__1::complex<double> > const&, fullVector<std::__1::complex<double> >&) const in fullMatrix.cpp.o |
| 51 | "_zscal_", referenced from: |
| 52 | fullMatrix<std::__1::complex<double> >::scale(double) in fullMatrix.cpp.o |
| 53 | }}} |
| 54 | |