Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #46229, comment 4

Aug 20, 2023, 1:56:31 AM (14 months ago)
ryandesign (Ryan Carsten Schmidt)


  • Ticket #46229, comment 4

    initial v1  
    55Ports and pseudo-ports and other selectors can be combined at will. You can ask MacPorts to do something with ports that are `active and not outdated` or `inactive and name:^lib` or `outdated and maintainer:ryandesign`. Do you want this warning only when the `active` pseudo-port is used by itself or anytime it is used as part of a selection criteria? Is `active` the only pseudo-port for which you want this treatment? Does it only apply to the uninstall command or also to others?
    7 One option to implement it could be that we need to keep track of which pseudo-ports were used and make that available to the commands so they can show the warning based on that. Another possibility would be to make the warning appear not based on pseudo-ports but instead based on how many ports the command would act—so it could warn if you're trying to uninstall 100 ports, say, regardless whether those 100 ports were specified individually or via some pseudo-port expansion.
     7One option to implement it could be that we need to keep track of which pseudo-ports were used and make that available to the commands so they can show the warning based on that. Another possibility would be to make the warning appear not based on pseudo-ports but instead based on how many ports the command would act upon—so it could warn if you're trying to uninstall 100 ports, say, regardless whether those 100 ports were specified individually or via some pseudo-port expansion.