Opened 6 years ago

Last modified 6 years ago

#57966 closed defect

critical bug installing inkscape — at Initial Version

Reported by: shaggi77 Owned by:
Priority: Normal Milestone:
Component: base Version:
Keywords: Cc:
Port: inkscape


I executed: sudo port install inkscape

then the scripts ran, but didn't end successfully.

now when I run again sudo port install inkscape

I get: h-Air-sl-Liran:~ liranc$ sudo port install inkscape Password: ---> Computing dependencies for inkscape The following dependencies will be installed:

Xft2 atk atkmm autoconf-archive boost cairo cairomm cmake cppunit curl curl-ca-bundle cython_select dbus dbus-glib desktop-file-utils enchant fribidi gdk-pixbuf2 glib2 glibmm gnome-common gobject-introspection graphite2 gsl gtest gtk2 gtkmm gtkspell2 harfbuzz hicolor-icon-theme intltool libarchive libcdr-0.1 libcxx libexif libgcc libgcc8 libidn2 libpixman libpsl librevenge libsigcxx2 libunistring libuv libvisio-0.1 libwpd-0.10 libwpg-0.3 libxslt lzo2 ninja nosetests_select p5.28-data-dump p5.28-encode-locale p5.28-file-listing p5.28-getopt-long p5.28-html-form p5.28-html-parser p5.28-html-tagset p5.28-http-cookies p5.28-http-daemon p5.28-http-date p5.28-http-message p5.28-http-negotiate p5.28-io-html p5.28-io-socket-ssl p5.28-libwww-perl p5.28-lwp-mediatypes p5.28-lwp-protocol-https p5.28-mozilla-ca p5.28-net-http p5.28-net-libidn p5.28-net-ssleay p5.28-pathtools p5.28-scalar-list-utils p5.28-sub-name p5.28-sub-uplevel p5.28-test-exception p5.28-test-nowarnings p5.28-test-warn p5.28-try-tiny p5.28-uri p5.28-www-robotrules p5.28-xml-parser pango pangomm pcre poppler poppler-data popt potrace py27-beaker py27-cython py27-funcsigs py27-lxml py27-mako py27-markdown py27-markupsafe py27-nose py27-numpy py27-setuptools shared-mime-info xorg-libXcomposite xorg-libXcursor xorg-libXdamage xorg-libXfixes xorg-libXi xorg-libXinerama xorg-libXrandr xorg-xcb-util xrender

Continue? [Y/n]: Y ---> Installing boost @1.66.0_3+no_single+no_static+python27 Error: Failed to install boost: no destroot found at: /opt/local/var/macports/build/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_macports_release_tarballs_ports_devel_boost/boost/work/destroot Error: See /opt/local/var/macports/logs/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_macports_release_tarballs_ports_devel_boost/boost/main.log for details. Error: Follow to report a bug. Error: Processing of port inkscape failed h-Air-sl-Liran:~ liranc$

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