Changes between Version 3 and Version 4 of Ticket #58226, comment 11

Apr 4, 2019, 4:39:06 AM (6 years ago)


  • Ticket #58226, comment 11

    v3 v4  
    1515Also, I just did a clean install of octave. (there were some warnings but it didn't halt the installation). However, when I try to launch Octave with the GUI (command: {{{octave --gui "$@"}}}), Octave hangs/freezes and never loads. Could this have anything to do with the Carbon framework?...Just a shot in the dark - I noticed from compilation that it was mentioned in some of the verbose stdout (using: 'port install octave...').
     19***Update 2*** (same as above)
     21After doing some internet sleuthing, apparently when switching between different versions of octave that are built with different versions of Qt (i.e. qt4 vs. qt5), the file ~/.config/octave/qt-settings cannot exist when switching from one version of Qt to another. The solution is to take the current file ~/.config/octave/qt-settings and rename it to something like qt-settings_qt-old to force Octave to re-create the qt-settings file for the current Qt-based gui. Then, if you ever want to switch back to the previous Qt-based gui, you can rename you're old qt-settings_qt-old file back to qt-settings. Just make sure you don't delete the other qt-settings file.
     23**Question** Does the port octave_select take care of this issue? For some reason octave_select doesn't register that I even have an installed version of octave. The only option is {{{none (active)}}}.