Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #58493, comment 32

May 21, 2019, 8:32:16 PM (5 years ago)
cjones051073 (Chris Jones)


  • Ticket #58493, comment 32

    initial v1  
    44> It was my impression that by default it would pick a Macports clang, or even install it (I'm not sure which Macports component does it though). So if by default Xcode clang would be used when present - I'm happy, and nothing needs to change in this regard.
    6 As i have said, a few times now, cctools will never trigger the installation of any macports clang port. If it fails to find a suitable one at runtime, xcode clang is used instead. The logic Is this way around, as we know the macports clang work on all platforms, clang 5.0 is the same on all, whereas the systems, whereas Xcode clang varies in capabilities. So the logic is in my view correct.
     6As i have said, a few times now, cctools will never trigger the installation of any macports clang port. If it fails to find a suitable one at runtime, xcode clang is used instead. The logic Is this way around, as we know the macports clang work on all platforms, clang 5.0 is the same on all, whereas Xcode clang varies in capabilities. So the logic is in my view correct.