Changes between Version 17 and Version 18 of Ticket #65623, comment 12

Jun 17, 2023, 10:14:48 AM (16 months ago)
mohd-akram (Mohamed Akram)


  • Ticket #65623, comment 12

    v17 v18  
    1212- cmus [ Pending]
    1313- dosbox-x [ Supported]
    14 - dvbcut
     14- dvbcut [Maintained]
    1515- ffmpegthumbnailer [ Supported]
    1616- ffmpegthumbs [ Supported]
    1717- ffms2 [ Supported]
    1818- FreeRDP [ Supported]
    19 - geeqie
     19- geeqie [Maintained]
    2020- gegl [ Builds]
    21 - gegl-0.3
     21- gegl-0.3 [Old]
    2222- gegl-devel [ Builds]
    2323- gmic [Maintained]
    2828- goldendict [ Supported]
    2929- gpac [ Supported]
    30 - kdemultimedia4
    31 - kfilemetadata
    32 - libdlna
    33 - libextractor
    34 - libopenshot
    35 - libpiano
    36 - libquicktime
    37 - libquicktime-devel
    38 - libvideogfx
     30- kdemultimedia4 [Old]
     31- kfilemetadata [Maintained]
     32- libdlna [Old]
     33- libextractor [Broken]
     34- libopenshot [Maintained]
     35- libpiano [Maintained]
     36- libquicktime [Old]
     37- libquicktime-devel [Old]
     38- libvideogfx [Old]
    3939- libVLC2 [Old]
    40 - mat2
    41 - mediatomb
     40- mat2 [Maintained]
     41- mediatomb  [Old]
    4242- mlt [ Supported]
    43 - mlt-qt5
    44 - moc
    45 - MP4Joiner
     43- mlt-qt5 [Old]
     44- moc [Old]
     45- MP4Joiner [Old]
    4646- mpv [ Supported]
    4747- musikcube [ Supported]
    48 - nepomuk-core
     48- nepomuk-core [Old]
    4949- netgen [ Supported]
    5050- notcurses [Maintained]
    51 - octave-video
     51- octave-video [Maintained]
    5252- opencv3 [Old]
    5353- opencv3-devel [Old]
    5454- opencv4 [ Supported]
    5555- opencv4-devel [ Supported]
    56 - openimageio
     56- openimageio [Maintained]
    5757- OpenSceneGraph [ Broken]
    5858- OpenSceneGraph-devel [ Broken]
    5959- Pangolin [ Supported]
    6060- paraview [Maintained]
    61 - pHash
     61- pHash [Maintained]
    6262- pianobar [ Supported]
    63 - py-imageio-ffmpeg
    64 - qt5-qtwebengine
     63- py-imageio-ffmpeg [Maintained]
     64- qt5-qtwebengine [Old]
    6565- qt6-qtmultimedia [Maintained]
    6666- qt6-qtwebengine [Maintained]
    67 - qt513-qtwebengine
     67- qt513-qtwebengine [Old]
    6868- ReadyMedia [Supported]
    69 - scrcpy
    70 - SDRangel
     69- scrcpy [Maintained]
     70- SDRangel [Maintained]
    7171- streamlink [CLI use]
    72 - strigi
     72- strigi [Old]
    7373- synfig [ Supported]
    74 - tovid
    75 - transcode
     74- tovid [Old]
     75- transcode [Old]
    7676- tumbler [Maintained]
    7777- unpaper [ Supported]
    78 - vapoursynth
     78- vapoursynth [Maintained]
    7979- VLC2 [Old]
    80 - wxsvg
     80- wxsvg [Maintained]
    8181- xine-lib [Maintained]
    8282- xmms2 [ Supported]