Changes between Version 27 and Version 28 of Ticket #65623, comment 12

May 6, 2024, 6:48:07 PM (5 months ago)
mohd-akram (Mohamed Akram)


  • Ticket #65623, comment 12

    v27 v28  
    11Strangely, I didn't get a notification for your response. Perhaps we should assemble a list of ports that depend on ffmpeg, and tick off the ones that support version 6 upstream, linking to relevant PRs/commits. This way we have an idea of the scope of the compatibility issues at least. Just to get it started if there is no such list yet - `port echo 'depends:ffmpeg[^6]' | grep -v '^py[0-9]'` returns:
    3 - aubio [ Supported]
    4 - audacity [ Supported]
    5 - audacity-devel [ Supported]
     3- aubio [ Pending release]
     4- audacity [ Supported]
     5- audacity-devel [ Supported]
    66- audacity-legacy [Old]
    7 - baresip [ Supported] #67619
     7- baresip [ Supported] #67619
    88- blender [Supported] #67620
    9 - chromaprint [ Supported]
    10 - cmus [ Pending]
    11 - dosbox-x [ Supported]
     9- chromaprint [ Pending release]
     10- cmus [ Pending release]
     11- dosbox-x [ Supported]
    1212- dvbcut [Maintained]
    13 - ffmpegthumbnailer [ Supported]
     13- ffmpegthumbnailer [ Unsupported]
    1414- ffmpegthumbs [ Supported]
    15 - ffms2 [ Supported]
     15- ffms2 [ Supported]
    1616- geeqie [Maintained]
    1717- gegl [ Builds]
    2323- gmic-lib [Maintained]
    2424- gmic-qt [Maintained]
    25 - goldendict [ Supported]
     25- goldendict [ Supported]
    2626- kdemultimedia4 [Old]
    2727- kfilemetadata [Maintained]
    4343- notcurses [Maintained]
    4444- octave-video [Maintained]
    45 - opencv3 [Old]
    46 - opencv3-devel [Old]
    47 - opencv4 [ Supported]
    48 - opencv4-devel [ Supported]
     45- opencv3 [ Supported] #69924
     46- opencv3-devel [ Supported] #69924
     47- opencv4 [ Supported]
     48- opencv4-devel [ Supported]
    4949- OpenSceneGraph [ Broken]
    5050- OpenSceneGraph-devel [ Broken]
    6363- streamlink [CLI use] #67645
    6464- strigi [Old]
    65 - synfig [ Supported]
     65- synfig [ Pending release]
    6666- tovid [Old]
    6767- transcode [Old]
    6868- tumbler [Maintained]
    69 - unpaper [ Supported]
     69- unpaper [ Supported]
    7070- vapoursynth [Maintained]
    7171- VLC2 [Old]
    7272- wxsvg [Maintained]
    7373- xine-lib [Maintained]
    74 - xmms2 [ Supported]
     74- xmms2 [ Supported]
    7575- yorick-av [ Supported]