Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #66380, comment 1

Dec 1, 2022, 11:13:00 AM (23 months ago)
ryandesign (Ryan Carsten Schmidt)


  • Ticket #66380, comment 1

    initial v1  
    1 The log you attached is very short. Please attach the entire main.log file, compressing it first if it is large.
     1~~The log you attached is very short. Please attach the entire main.log file, compressing it first if it is large.~~ (Never mind; I see the problem is not when installing the R port but when using R to install something else.)
    3 The log says it was determined that `-latomic` was needed. I would be interested in seeing how that determination was reached, because it may be wrong. (Hopefully, the full log file will tell us.) The log says you are on arm64. `-latomic` is needed on some other operating systems on ARM processors but in my experience it is not needed on macOS.
     3The log says it was determined that `-latomic` was needed. I would be interested in seeing how that determination was reached, because it may be wrong. ~~(Hopefully, the full log file will tell us.)~~ The log says you are on arm64. `-latomic` is needed on some other operating systems on ARM processors but in my experience it is not needed on macOS.
    55The log shows that items within the path /Users/kaufmannm/Library/R are being used. I wonder why that is. Surely we don't want that. Maybe that is the cause of the problem.