Changes between Initial Version and Version 2 of Ticket #67183

Apr 2, 2023, 11:48:18 PM (19 months ago)
ryandesign (Ryan Carsten Schmidt)

This isn't really our bug since this port is not in the macports-ports repository.

In the instructions you referred to, I don't see an explanation of where to get the Portfile from. It appears you used the copy of the Portfile available here:

That won't work because it appears to be just a template. Note the placeholders like @PROJECT_NAME@ and @PROJECT_VERSION@. Those would need to be replaced with real values. It appears that the sunshine cmake configuration process might do this for you, so try doing that. It probably won't replace the placeholders in the template; it will create a new Portfile somewhere else in which the placeholders have been filled in. That new file is the one you would put in your ~/ports/... directory.

It is weird of them to have a Portfile in their repository. The correct thing to do is to submit the Portfile to the macports-ports repository, which is where it would be maintained from that point on. As noted in a comment in the Portfile text, they did do this in but the request was closed without explanation.


  • Ticket #67183

    • Property Cc andrygamer06 added
    • Property Keywords Sunshine Help Local source removed
    • Property Milestone changed from MacPorts Future to
    • Property Priority changed from High to Normal
  • Ticket #67183 – Description

    initial v2  
    11To whom it may concern,
    3 I have been struggling in the last few hours with this and I am sorry if it's a dumb thing easy to solve. I have been following this guide: to be able to get the software sunshine to work on my m1 MacBook. As stated in the guide I add the local source in the following file: /opt/local/etc/macports/sources.conf. After I add the source the file looks like this (I edited it with the terminal using this command: sudo nano /opt/local/etc/macports/sources.conf):
     3I have been struggling in the last few hours with this and I am sorry if it's a dumb thing easy to solve. I have been following this guide: to be able to get the software sunshine to work on my m1 MacBook. As stated in the guide I add the local source in the following file: /opt/local/etc/macports/sources.conf. After I add the source the file looks like this (I edited it with the terminal using this command: `sudo nano /opt/local/etc/macports/sources.conf`):
    56# To change how MacPorts fetches base, see rsync_server and rsync_dir in
    3435file:///Users/andrei******/ports (family name censored here)
    36 -----
    37 Everything works fine until I type the command sudo port install sunshine, which leads to the following error: Error: Port sunshine not found. I really do not know hoe to upload files here but this is the directory of the Portfile, maybe it helps: /Users/andrei*******/ports/multimedia/sunshine/Portfile
    38 -----
     38Everything works fine until I type the command `sudo port install sunshine`, which leads to the following error: `Error: Port sunshine not found`. I really do not know hoe to upload files here but this is the directory of the Portfile, maybe it helps: `/Users/andrei*******/ports/multimedia/sunshine/Portfile`
    3940This are the contents of the Portfile:
    4143# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4
    104106notes-append "It is recommended to set a location for the apps file in the config."
    105107notes-append "See our documentation at '' for further info."
    107 ---
    108110If it is ok for you I can upload every screenshot on google drive (even as a pdf) so you can take a look at them,
    109  I hope you can tell me how to fix this issue,
    110 Regards,
     111 I hope you can tell me how to fix this issue, \\
     112Regards, \\