Changes between Initial Version and Version 2 of Ticket #67359

May 2, 2023, 3:26:53 PM (18 months ago)
Gandoon (Erik Hedlund)


  • Ticket #67359

    • Property Owner set to kurthindenburg
    • Property Keywords catalina added
    • Property Status changed from new to assigned
    • Property Summary changed from Updating to Transmission @4.0.3_1 fails on MacOS 10.15 to transmission @4.0.3_1: error: redefinition of module 'libxml2'
  • Ticket #67359 – Description

    initial v2  
    1 A few days ago, the port of Transmission was refreshed to the 4.0.3 version. However it fails with what seems to potentially be a problem with QuickLook. I am using a legacy MacOS 10.15 system, but I did not have any trouble building Transmission version 4.n pulled from their github repository. I started using that as MacPorts was still only offering version 3.00.
     1A few days ago, the port of Transmission was refreshed to the 4.0.3 version. However it fails with what seems to be a problem with libxml2 but it could also potentially be a problem with QuickLook. I am using a legacy MacOS 10.15 system, but I did not have any trouble building Transmission version 4.n pulled from their github repository. I started using that as MacPorts was still only offering version 3.00.
    33I did not see the root cause immediately, so I here enclose the log file and hope someone might help figuring out why it does not want to build.