Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #69187, comment 1

Jan 25, 2024, 5:00:07 PM (9 months ago)
jmroot (Joshua Root)


  • Ticket #69187, comment 1

    initial v1  
    1 Selfupdate involves downloading a the latest tarballs of MacPorts base and the ports tree with rsync, then installing base if outdated, which is essentially just a typical `./configure && make && make install`. I don't know what Crowdstrike considers a "data dump" so it's hard to say what might have triggered it. There was another ticket about Crowdstrike, where it didn't like the installer script examining and updating the `macports` unprivileged user account that we use for running builds: #66878
     1Selfupdate involves downloading the latest tarballs of MacPorts base and the ports tree with rsync, then installing base if outdated, which is essentially just a typical `./configure && make && make install`. I don't know what Crowdstrike considers a "data dump" so it's hard to say what might have triggered it. There was another ticket about Crowdstrike, where it didn't like the installer script examining and updating the `macports` unprivileged user account that we use for running builds: #66878