Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #69398

Feb 25, 2024, 10:32:56 PM (8 months ago)
ryandesign (Ryan Carsten Schmidt)

A file not being available on a packages server is not a bug. See #68869. Also, packages servers are used for all ports; they are not specified in individual ports. In the case of stardict, the packages are not on the server because we believe we are not legally allowed to distribute them:

$ macports-infrastructure/jobs/port_binary_distributable.tcl -v stardict
"stardict" is not distributable because its license "gpl" conflicts with license "EPL-1" of dependency "graphviz"

A file not being available on a distfiles server can be a problem. In this case, I don't know why you were not able to fetch from SourceForge; I am able to. If you want help diagnosing why you couldn't fetch, attach your main.log. Even though you couldn't fetch from SourceForge, it wasn't a problem since we mirror distfiles, so you were able to fetch it from the mirrors, and the build succeeded. So I don't see any bug here.


  • Ticket #69398 – Description

    initial v1  
    11When trying to install stardict, `sudo port install stardict` returned error message indicating several checksum mismatches.
    3 I followed the firstaid guide in [ FAQ:checksum], and it went through quite a list of mirrors until a successful download and install.
     3I followed the firstaid guide in wiki:FAQ#checksums, and it went through quite a list of mirrors until a successful download and install.
    5 Upon referencing [ Wiki:Misbehaving Servers], I believe some of the download sites are no longer available. (e.g. returned 404). Maybe it would be nice to update them in the portfile.
     5Upon referencing MisbehavingServers, I believe some of the download sites are no longer available. (e.g. returned 404). Maybe it would be nice to update them in the portfile.
    77The relevant lines displayed in the console during the installation process are as follows: