
Version 40 (modified by raimue (Rainer Müller), 7 years ago) (diff)

Embed a table with the most recent tickets of the user viewing the page

New Ticket

Please read the Ticket Guidelines before opening a new ticket.

Searching for existing tickets

Find tickets filed against a specific port:

See also:

Your Most Recent Tickets

Ticket Summary Component Port Reporter Owner Created Modified
No tickets found


Here are some quick links to search for tickets by component and type.


Documentation: Guide, Wiki

Infrastructure: Website, Buildbot, Trac, Hosting


Tickets with patches attached for review.

Tickets with patches attached by the maintainer.

Tickets that have been made by spam bots and should be deleted.

See TicketsKeywordGuidelines for some less-common keywords.

Mac Operating System Releases

Issues often appear on new major releases of the Mac operating system: