Changes between Version 10 and Version 11 of egall

Jun 5, 2014, 2:02:20 PM (10 years ago)
cooljeanius (Eric Gallager)

research some more of my TODO items and cross off some


  • egall

    v10 v11  
    5757 - ~~gnome-settings-daemon~~ (my fault - I had a local copy of one of its dependencies that was not up-to-date, which I guess could be considered #36951)
    5858 - ~~gnutls~~ found #42728
    59  - guile16
    60  - gvfs
    61  - heimdal
     59 - ~~gvfs~~ was already cc-ed on #32652, which is more of a runtime error, and I think I had been experiencing a build failure, but it seems to have solved itself, as I now have the most recent version of gvfs installed
     60 - ~~heimdal~~ was already cc-ed on #31786, #36811, and #42336, but I forget if any of those were the same issue that I had been experiencing.
    6261 - libdnsres
    6362 - ~~libmpc~~ filed #42733
    64  - libnasl
    65  - libxls
     63 - ~~libnasl~~ libnasl was removed in r120502 as a result of #42156, which I assume was the same issue that I had been experiencing...
     64 - ~~libxls~~ might have been #42765 which I filed
    6665 - metakit
    67  - mod_jk
    68  - mod_security2
     66 - ~~mod_jk~~ found #23023, not sure the update will fix the issue I had been experiencing though...
     67 - ~~mod_security2~~ was already cc-ed on #39074, not sure if that was the same issue I had been experiencing though...
    6968 - ~~mpfr~~ filed #42732, also inspired me to file #42731
    7069 - ossp-cfg
    7271 - ossp-l2
    7372 - pamtester
    74  - pcrexx
     73 - ~~pcrexx +univesal~~ seems to have been fixed by r120428, which was supposed to fix #43726 and #43783. Since I am on Snow Leopard (NOT Mavericks) and was trying to build universal, I am assuming that my issue had been the latter one...
    7574 - py-cartopy
    7675 - rgm3800
    8079 - sfcgal
    8180 - sicp
    82  - slib-guile16
     81 - slib-guile16 (depends on guile16, which has a separate entry below)
    8382 - slirp
    8483 - sloth
    9897 - pccts (conflicts with antlr)
    9998 - watchman
    100  - chmsee (depends on firefox-x11, which no longer exists)
     99 - chmsee (depends on firefox-x11, which no longer exists in trunk)
    101100 - swig-clisp (clisp is i386, swig-clisp is x86_64)
    102101 - gcl