Changes between Version 5 and Version 6 of egall

May 15, 2014, 7:03:21 PM (10 years ago)
cooljeanius (Eric Gallager)

move my broken_ports.txt file to my wiki page


  • egall

    v5 v6  
    4343(too many for it to be worth it; just follow the link in this section's section header to see)
     45=== Ones that I have not yet gotten around to filing: ===
     46I used to keep this list in a text file on my computer, but figured it would make more sense to keep it here on Trac instead.
     47Issues may be on this list because I still need to look for duplicates, or gather more information, or investigate further, before I can actually file tickets for them.
     48When I do actually file a ticket for one of these, or find a ticket for the same issue that already exists, I will generally just leave it on here and cross it off instead of removing it entirely.
     49Note that crossing it off only means that a ticket has been filed or already existed, '''not''' that it has been solved.
     51 - ~~apple-gcc42~~ #42773
     52 - ~~asn1c~~ #42779
     53 - gcc48 (actually libgcc, many different issues open for it)
     54 - ~~gdb-apple~~ #42796
     55 - ~~ggv~~ #29261 (?)
     56 - gnome-panel
     57 - ~~gnome-settings-daemon~~ (my fault - I had a local copy of one of its dependencies that was not up-to-date, which I guess could be considered #36951)
     58 - ~~gnutls~~ #42728
     59 - guile16
     60 - gvfs
     61 - heimdal
     62 - libdnsres
     63 - libmpc
     64 - libnasl
     65 - libxls
     66 - metakit
     67 - mod_jk
     68 - mod_security2
     69 - mpfr
     70 - ossp-cfg
     71 - ossp-fsl
     72 - ossp-l2
     73 - pamtester
     74 - pcrexx
     75 - py-cartopy
     76 - rgm3800
     77 - rsync-lart
     78 - scotty
     79 - sendpage
     80 - sfcgal
     81 - sicp
     82 - slib-guile16
     83 - slirp
     84 - sloth
     85 - srm
     86 - webkit-gtk
     87 - xorg
     88 - xorg-server
     89 - crlibm
     90 - glpng
     91 - pngmeta
     92 - liboss
     93 - libevt
     94 - mdbtools (because txt2man is not universal)
     95 - py*jcc
     96 - p5*css (various perl versions conflict)
     97 - ~~p5.10-version~~ #43148
     98 - pccts (conflicts with antlr)
     99 - watchman
     100 - chmsee (depends on firefox-x11, which no longer exists)
     101 - swig-clisp (clisp is i386, swig-clisp is x86_64)
     102 - gcl
     103 - postgresql81 +krb5+perl+python
     104 - samba3 +kerberos+openldap
     105 - sudo +insults+openldap
     106 - mapnik +cairo+gdal+osm+postgis+sqlite
     107 - gob1 (not actually broken, just installs /opt/local/share/aclocal/gob.m4 which produces underquoted macro warnings when autoreconfing)
     108 - libmemcached +dtrace+hsieh
     109 - gnome-vfs +avahi (just the post-activate gconf schemas installation)
     110 - linuxdoc-tools
     111 - astyle +java+lib
     112 - cl-ppcre +asdf_binary_locations+sbcl (just requires some manual interaction at one point)
     113 - cssc (due to texinfo5)
     114 - docbook-utils
     115 - cm3 (and, by extension, cvsup) (cm3's distfile is bad)
     116 - cvsync +universal (unrecognized --disable-dependency-tracking flag)
     117 - libctl (needs variants for newer versions of gcc)
     118 - libchloride
     119 - guile16 (needs muniversal)
     120 - svdlibc (checksum mismatch - possible stealth update?)
     121 - netcdf-fortran
     122 - qd
     123 - sowing
     124 - nusmv (missing MiniSat?)
     125 - sharutils (works, just needs to be updated to 4.14) (also maybe get the libexec/gnubin treatment?)
     126 - cppcheck
     127 - p5.[8|10]-perlbal (conflicts with p5.12-perlbal)
     128 - mp3fs
     129 - krbafs
     130 - kumofs (+universal fails because rb-msgpack is non-universal)
     131 - pcc (missing lib directories)
     132 - AfterStep
     133 - Eterm (actually libast)
     134 - libbert
     135 - hoard
     136 - opal (rev-upgrade after installing ode +debug)
     137 - libgksuui10
     138 - bashdb (bash4.3 is too new)
     139 - dialog
     140 - fcrackzip (conflicts with unzip)
     141 - gpgme (when argp-standalone is active)
     142 - xar-devel (conflicts with xar)
    45144[wiki:MacPortsDevelopers Back to the MacPorts developers page]