Opened 13 years ago

Last modified 4 years ago

#33335 new defect

Pallet doesn't work (nothing happens); no documentation

Reported by: macports_nospam@… Owned by: macports-tickets@…
Priority: Normal Milestone:
Component: ports Version: 2.0.3
Keywords: Cc: ksammons@…
Port: Pallet


I successfully compiled Pallet after having to track down and resolve the /Library/Frameworks//Tcl.framework problem (i.e., the need to delete this directory before MacPorts_Framework would compile). It loads fine and lists a bunch of ports. Clicking on one port to Upgrade it just moves the port name to the attached drawer. Nothing else happens.There's no Help. Right-clicking does nothing. (System: 2006 MacPro, 10.6.8 Snow Leopard)

Some documentation would be nice. You should mention the need to delete the Tcl.framework before installing on the MacPortsGUI wiki page. Is there a way to list both installed and all available ports? (The terminal command "port list installed" fills the terminal with lots of duplicates.)

Change History (6)

comment:1 Changed 13 years ago by ryandesign (Ryan Carsten Schmidt)

Owner: changed from macports-tickets@… to juanger@…
Port: Pallet added

"port list" does not do what you think it does.

Having frameworks installed in /Library/Frameworks, or libraries installed in /usr/local/lib, causes problems for many ports; it is not feasible to separately for each port include a message reminding the user of that fact.

comment:2 Changed 13 years ago by macports_nospam@…

"port list" does not do what you think it does.

As always, "port list" shows EVERY port, installed or not. What I needed was a list of INSTALLED and ACTIVE ports, without all the duplicates that come up with "port list installed." As noted in the wiki:FAQ, the preferred syntax is "port installed," but that produces ALMOST the same list as "port list installed." ("port installed" shows you which ports are active; "port list installed" displays the category of each port instead.

As an experiment, I ran both commands. Each produced a 327-line output. When I manually pasted the output into an editor and removed the duplicates, that dropped to 187 lines. Nearly half!

Just for fun, I just now tried "port list active". Viola! Just what I wanted -- the "port list installed" without the duplicates

Having frameworks installed in /Library/Frameworks, or libraries installed

in /usr/local/lib, causes problems for many ports; it is not feasible to

separately for each port include a message reminding the user of that fact.

Frankly, that's just short of snide. OF COURSE you should document if a particular port has a conflict with something in a standard Mac installation. Duh. AND... are there any side effects from stripping out pieces of the standard Mac OS, outdated or not?

comment:3 in reply to:  2 Changed 13 years ago by danielluke (Daniel J. Luke)

Replying to macports_nospam@…:

Just for fun, I just now tried "port list active". Viola! Just what I wanted -- the "port list installed" without the duplicates

it's probably still not what you want, as you seemingly didn't read the FAQ you were pointed to.

You probably want port echo active

Having frameworks installed in /Library/Frameworks, or libraries installed

in /usr/local/lib, causes problems for many ports; it is not feasible to

separately for each port include a message reminding the user of that fact.

Frankly, that's just short of snide. OF COURSE you should document if a particular port has a conflict with something in a standard Mac installation. Duh. AND... are there any side effects from stripping out pieces of the standard Mac OS, outdated or not?

There's nothing /Library/Frameworks in a standard Mac installation that will cause problems (but you can install stuff there that might cause a problem. There is nothing at all in /usr/local in a standard installation (but again, you can install stuff there that might cause a problem).

comment:4 Changed 12 years ago by ryandesign (Ryan Carsten Schmidt)

Owner: changed from juanger@… to macports-tickets@…

juanger has retired.

comment:5 Changed 9 years ago by jmroot (Joshua Root)

Cc: ksammons@… added

comment:6 Changed 4 years ago by kencu (Ken)

This ancient ticket refers (more or less) to a version of Pallet that no longer exists.

Pallet is presently broken, and has been for about 10 years.

The current best shot at building something would be to start with the github repo at <>

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