Opened 19 months ago

#67134 new defect

vsftpd @3.0.5 (net) fails on connection, apparently due setrlimit() syscall with undefined argument in Monterey

Reported by: philscott799 Owned by:
Priority: Normal Milestone:
Component: ports Version: 2.8.1
Keywords: execution failure Cc:
Port: vsftpd


$ telnet localhost 21
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
500 OOPS: setrlimit
Connection closed by foreign host.

This apparently happens because Apple has dropped support for the RLIMIT_AS argument to the setrlimit() syscall in Monterey. The documentation of syscall.c in the distribution mentions that this argument is also missing in OpenBSD and the author has provided an #ifdef to isolate the offending code for that operating system. It's not clear why this #ifdef doesn't also work for macOS.

It seems to me that the easiest fix for this would be to undef RLIMIT_AS in the compile options, although I am no programmer so I may have misunderstood the problem.

FYI the homebrew folks have patched the code in syscall.c,

I have emailed the developer of vsftpd who has not replied.

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