Opened 10 months ago

Closed 10 months ago

Last modified 10 months ago

#68935 closed defect (fixed)

py-werkzeug @3.0.1 does not build, subports py31[012]-werkzeug are all OK

Reported by: snowflake (Dave Evans) Owned by: stromnov (Andrey Stromnov)
Priority: Normal Milestone:
Component: base Version: 2.8.99
Keywords: Cc:
Port: py-werkzeug


py-werkzeug does not build, whereas the sub-ports py310-werkzeug, py311-werkzeug and py312-werkzeug are all OK.

The important error is this:

Error: Failed to build py-werkzeug: can't read "build.cmd":
 can't read "python.bin":
 can't read "python.prefix":
 can't read "python.branch":
 can't read "python.version": no such variable

Here is the error for py-werkzeug on El Capitan. Sonoma error is the same.

DEBUG: build phase started at Mon Dec 18 08:42:23 GMT 2023
Error: Failed to build py-werkzeug: can't read "build.cmd": can't read "python.bin": can't read "python.prefix": can't read "python.branch": can't read "python.version": no such variable
DEBUG: Backtrace: can't read "python.version": no such variable
DEBUG:     while executing
DEBUG: "string index ${python.version} 0"
DEBUG:     ("uplevel" body line 1)
DEBUG:     invoked from within
DEBUG: "uplevel #0 [list set $optionName] [subst -nocommands {[subst {$option_defaults($optionName)}]}]"
DEBUG:     (procedure "default_check" line 10)
DEBUG:     invoked from within
DEBUG: "default_check python.branch {} read"
DEBUG:     (read trace on "python.branch")
DEBUG:     invoked from within
DEBUG: "subst {${frameworks_dir}/Python.framework/Versions/${python.branch}}"
DEBUG:     ("uplevel" body line 1)
DEBUG:     invoked from within
DEBUG: "uplevel #0 [list set $optionName] [subst -nocommands {[subst {$option_defaults($optionName)}]}]"
DEBUG:     (procedure "default_check" line 10)
DEBUG:     invoked from within
DEBUG: "default_check python.prefix {} read"
DEBUG:     (read trace on "python.prefix")
DEBUG:     invoked from within
DEBUG: "subst {${python.prefix}/bin/python${python.branch}}"
DEBUG:     ("uplevel" body line 1)
DEBUG:     invoked from within
DEBUG: "uplevel #0 [list set $optionName] [subst -nocommands {[subst {$option_defaults($optionName)}]}]"
DEBUG:     (procedure "default_check" line 10)
DEBUG:     invoked from within
DEBUG: "default_check python.bin {} read"
DEBUG:     (read trace on "python.bin")
DEBUG:     invoked from within
DEBUG: "return "${python.bin} -m build --no-isolation""
DEBUG:     (procedure "python_get_defaults" line 13)
DEBUG:     invoked from within
DEBUG: "python_get_defaults build_cmd"
DEBUG:     ("uplevel" body line 1)
DEBUG:     invoked from within
DEBUG: "uplevel #0 [list set $optionName] [subst -nocommands {[subst {$option_defaults($optionName)}]}]"
DEBUG:     (procedure "default_check" line 10)
DEBUG:     invoked from within
DEBUG: "default_check build.cmd {} read"
DEBUG:     (read trace on "build.cmd")
DEBUG:     invoked from within
DEBUG: "if {${build.cmd} eq ""} {
DEBUG:         error "No build command found"
DEBUG:     }"
DEBUG:     (procedure "portbuild::build_start" line 4)
DEBUG:     invoked from within
DEBUG: "[ditem_key $ditem prerun] $targetname"

Change History (5)

comment:1 Changed 10 months ago by snowflake (Dave Evans)

Summary: py-werkzeug @3.0.1 does not build, subports py3[012]-werkzeug are all OKpy-werkzeug @3.0.1 does not build, subports py31[012]-werkzeug are all OK

comment:2 Changed 10 months ago by snowflake (Dave Evans)

I notice that the buildbot for 10.11 is not reporting errors, so the error I get may be caused by me using port version 2.8.99

comment:3 Changed 10 months ago by jmroot (Joshua Root)

Component: portsbase

comment:4 Changed 10 months ago by jmroot (Joshua Root)

Resolution: fixed
Status: assignedclosed

In 3ac0da62a9c648f5963c329e9f049f63af7b2369/macports-base (master):

Move build.cmd check to build_main

The build_start proc gets run even if a blank build phase is defined.

Closes: #68935

comment:5 Changed 10 months ago by jmroot (Joshua Root)

In 4c0dcdd43ae4762910221e6708ede9e7d8e08406/macports-ports (master):

python pg: don't error if build.cmd is read in stub

See: #68935

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