Opened 3 hours ago

#71083 new enhancement

create postgestsql portgroup for building postgestsql extensions

Reported by: holymonson (Monson Shao) Owned by:
Priority: Normal Milestone:
Component: ports Version:
Keywords: Cc:


There are several postgestsql extensions (listed below), building against various branches of postgestsql as subports or variants implemented in their own portfile. It would be graceful if there is a postgestsql portgroup, providing unified implement like handling python or perl5 packages.

  • build as various subports
  • build as various variants, many of them could convert to subports
    • libpqxx
    • octave-database
    • osm2pgsql
    • pg_rman
    • pgAdmin3
    • postgis
    • postgis2
    • psqlODBC
    • qore-pgsql-module
  • only build against the latest postgestsql branch
    • iplike
    • libzdb
    • pgmodeler
    • pgtcl
    • R-adbcpostgresql
  • seems obsolete
    • BiggerSQL
    • BigSQL

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