Opened 19 years ago

Closed 19 years ago

#7225 closed defect (invalid)

RFE: a more lightweight svg library ... please !

Reported by: yves@… Owned by: macports-tickets@…
Priority: Normal Milestone:
Component: ports Version: 1.2
Keywords: Cc: gnome-darwinports@…


As seen on librsvg homepage : « Many software developers use the librsvg library to render SVG graphics. It is lightweight and portable, requiring only libxml and libart at a minimum, while providing extra features when used with libcroco, libgsf, and mozilla. »

As seen on port info librsvg : « Library Dependencies: Xft2, atk, bzip2, expat, fontconfig, freetype, gconf, gettext, glib2, gnome-vfs, gtk2, jpeg, zlib, xrender, tiff, popt, perl5.8, pango, orbit2, openssl, libxml2, libpng, libiconv, libgsf, libbonobo, libgnomecanvas, libart_lgpl, libcroco, metacity »

I don't really love having to build metacity in order to get my little svg-enabled app working. I understand maintaining the GNOME dependency chain is a non-trivial task so what is "the best solution" (TM) ?

A - a full-fledged variant with libcroco and libgsf B - a lightweight variant for lightweight people who use lightweight apps

Both solutions are bad compromises at best, but I'm not going to rewrite DP's dependencies mechanism so I'll gladly live with any of the two :-)

Change History (1)

comment:1 Changed 19 years ago by yves@…

Resolution: invalid
Status: newclosed

Ok ... I yelled a bit fast ... what the home page says, the configure script denies : « You are building without libcroco support. LibRSVG will not be able to handle embedded CSS, as is required per the SVG specification. If you are a library vendor or distributor, you are doing the world a disservice and should strongly consider shipping libcroco. Even KSVG needs libcroco now...

You are building without libgsf support. LibRSVG will not be able to handle GZipped SVGs, as is required per the SVG specification. If you are a library vendor or distributor, you are doing the world a disservice and should strongly consider shipping libgsf. »

and metacity to be taken out soon is ok for me too, no matter how soon !

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