Opened 21 years ago

Closed 21 years ago

Last modified 20 years ago

#1561 closed defect (fixed)

rubycocoa doesn't work on panther

Reported by: ward@… Owned by: rshaw@…
Priority: Normal Milestone:
Component: ports Version: 1.0
Keywords: Cc:


rb-cocoa doesn't work on panther. But with some extra patch files I can make it work. (now where is that bugzilla button to upload the patches...)

Attachments (5)

patch-metaconfig (353 bytes) - added by ward@… 21 years ago.
extra patchfile for panther
patch-post-config.rb (419 bytes) - added by ward@… 21 years ago.
extra patchfile for panther
patch-pre-config.rb (478 bytes) - added by ward@… 21 years ago.
extra patchfile for panther (7.8 KB) - added by ward@… 21 years ago.
extra patchfile for panther
patch-DummyProtocolHandler.m (25.1 KB) - added by ward@… 21 years ago.
extra patchfile for panther

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (12)

Changed 21 years ago by ward@…

Attachment: patch-metaconfig added

extra patchfile for panther

Changed 21 years ago by ward@…

Attachment: patch-post-config.rb added

extra patchfile for panther

Changed 21 years ago by ward@…

Attachment: patch-pre-config.rb added

extra patchfile for panther

Changed 21 years ago by ward@…

Attachment: added

extra patchfile for panther

Changed 21 years ago by ward@…

extra patchfile for panther

comment:1 Changed 21 years ago by toby@…

Owner: changed from darwinports-bugs@… to rshaw@…

comment:2 Changed 21 years ago by rshaw@…

Status: newassigned

I'll review these changes and commit them. How do I see the problem on Panther? It seeemed to work fine on Panther initially. What can I run as a test to see that these patches fix the problem?

Thanks -rshaw

comment:3 Changed 21 years ago by rshaw@…

repost: darn bugzilla doesn't always email .... argh!!!

I'll review these changes and commit them. How do I see the problem on Panther? It seeemed to work fine on Panther initially. What can I run as a test to see that these patches fix the problem?

Thanks -rshaw

comment:4 Changed 21 years ago by ward@…

(why oh why can't bugzilla pick up mail replies...)

I'll review these changes and commit them. How do I see the problem on Panther? It seeemed to work fine on Panther

+initially. What can I run as a

test to see that these patches fix the problem?

A ruby file consisting of just: require 'osx/cocoa' would give me horrilbe errors, instead of just exiting. It shouldn't be too hard to reproduce ;) I haven't kept a copy of the errors, but I remember something about _rb_obj_clone. I just took the patches from this thread: and rolled them into the darwinports version. Ward

comment:5 Changed 21 years ago by ward@…

Here's the exact output:

[ward@log Documents]$ cat test2.rb require 'osx/cocoa' [ward@log Documents]$ ruby test2.rb dyld: ruby multiple definitions of symbol _rb_obj_clone /opt/local/lib/libruby.dylib(object.o) definition of _rb_obj_clone /Library/Frameworks/RubyCocoa.framework/Versions/A/RubyCocoa(single module) definition of _rb_obj_clone zsh: trace trap ruby test2.rb


comment:6 Changed 21 years ago by rshaw@…

Fixes tested and committed. Sorry this took so long. -rshaw

comment:7 Changed 21 years ago by rshaw@…

Resolution: fixed
Status: assignedclosed
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